Need to sell a house in Norridge Illinois? With so many houses on the market, it can be hard to know where to start. Luckily, there is an easy and cost-effective way for you to sell your home without having to deal with any real estate agents. This guide will walk you through how For Sale By Owner works in Norridge Illinois and how you can use it to sell your home quickly, without paying any commission. You’ll also find out about the most common mistakes people make when selling their homes FSBO!
Many homeowners do not know how to sell for sale by owner. Some may even be misinformed about the process, thinking that they will have to pay a high commission fee and still end up with less than what their house is worth in the end. This article has tips from real estate experts who are familiar with FSBO sales in Norridge, Illinois.
Norridge is a great, quiet community on Cook County’s northwest side. Outside of the Harlem Irving Plaza, it’s a pretty sleepy town. But, as you’ll see in this article, it has one other famous landmark — the final resting place of Lee Harvey Oswald’s murderer, Jack Ruby.
Table of Contents
Step One: What Shouldn’t I Do if I don’t have a Realtor?
One of the most common mistakes people make when selling their homes is not doing enough research. You need to know exactly what you’re getting into before jumping in, and that means knowing how much your home will sell for after all expenses are accounted for. Knowledgeable real estate professionals, including brokers and lawyers, can help you get the most bang for your buck. The second mistake people often make is only reaching out to one real estate agent. Ideally, you should speak to at least three agents before deciding on which one has the best idea of value. Not every strategy is good for every FSBO home. The last mistake is not making the home attractive enough to buyers. You should stage the home before putting it on the market to make your property more desirable than those around it.
Step Two: What Should I Do to Sell For Sale by Owner in Norridge?
One of the first things you should do when deciding to sell your home FSBO is to get a lawyer. A knowledgeable real estate attorney will help you through every step, and make sure that everything goes smoothly. The next thing you should do is gather all your paperwork. This includes copies of the deed, lien information, and any other important documents. Your knowledgeable real estate attorney will help you get title insurance on your property so that your buyer has more confidence in what they are buying. For single-family homes, you’ll also need a survey.
Next up is getting a great photographer who knows how to capture those stunning pictures buyers are going to want. You want to make sure that your home looks its best, and a professional photographer will be able to do just that.
Then, you should make a list of necessities. This includes everything from pest control to lawn care. The more work that is done before placing your property on the market, the more attractive it will be for buyers.

Step Three: How Do I Sell My House without a Realtor in Norridge Illinois?
Now that we’ve covered price, legalities, and sales – let’s talk about how to get to closing. If you have got an offer and agreed on a price, a property, and a date, this is where you should start reading.
First, you’ll want to order a real estate survey unless you’re in a condominium like Lawrence Point or Neva Manor. A survey tells you where your property lines are and who can use your land. Surveys are good to know where the telephone and gas lines are located, but can also reveal big problems like bad fence lines or even buildings being placed on the wrong land. Those are rare, but in this business, you can never be too careful.
Next, you’ll look to get your mortgage payoff. For most lenders, you can get one of these by just calling your bank. Both the purchase loans and any home equity loans are pretty easy to find, and your lawyer can help. If you have an old HELOC, then you’ll need to make sure there is a lien release because those can’t be sold until we get a final credit letter.
Then, if you’re in one of Norridge’s bigger condominium associations – maybe Cascades of Norridge or Clock Tower Pointe, you’ll need to get a Paid Assessment Letter from your homeowner’s association. We’ve already covered how to do this at length, and your Chicago attorney can get that for you.
Step Four: Norridge Local Requirements
To sell for sale by owner in Norridge, Illinois, you will need to schedule a transfer inspection. Complete an Application for Transfer Inspection and submit it along with a copy of the sales contract, copy of the first and last page of the deed, and the $100 application fee to the Village Hall at 4000 N. Olcott Ave., Norridge IL 60706-1199. The application must be submitted in person, and the inspection must be scheduled within 30 days of closing. Following the inspection, you will need to pay the final water bill. Feel free to call the Village Hall at 708.453.0800 or visit them online at
Step Five: Closing and Selling Your Home in Norridge Illinois
Once you’ve passed the transfer inspection and paid the water bill, we can schedule a closing. This depends on when the buyer will close which is usually within 30 to 45 days of signing the offer contract for FSBO homes. That’s why it’s important to keep an eye out for these issues in advance. If you don’t stay on top of your transaction, you’ll end up waiting ages for third-party approvals in the transaction. By carefully following this guide, you’ll pay off all the debts on the property, extinguish your liability as best as you can, sell your home and have the smoothest transaction. If you’re interested in more, I’ve put a form below for you to contact us to start the process